
ISO 45001 Consultancy Occupational Health and Safety Management System

ISO 45001 is an international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to address the risks associated with occupational health and safety. The standard basically deals with two types of risks.

 Through ISO 45001 certification, a robust Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) can be implemented at your organization. Clause 6.1.2, hazard identification and assessment of risks and opportunities, mentions two types of risks associated with the OHSMS, they are:

  • Type 1 – identification of the hazard

    The first clause, Hazard identification, helps with the existing hazards and risks in your organizational processes. This involves the consideration of not only regular functions but also potential risks that may affect your OHSMS.

  • Type 2 – OH&S risk assessment

    Clause deals with the assessment of OH&S risks and other risks to the OHSMS. It not only talks about risks from the hazards but also other risks associated with the OHSMS. These other risks may pertain to both internal and external factors, such as changes in legal requirements or in the demand of the interested parties. It is essential to understand these two types of risks and the methodologies to address occupational health & safety in your organization. Both types of risks require a proactive approach, rather than reactive ones.

The benefits of achieving ISO 45001 Certification:

  • Boosts the image of the organization:

    ISO 45001 is an international standard and achieving it, immensely boosts the reputation of your organization in the global marketplace. This gives you huge business opportunities through which you will be able to earn more profits for your business.

  • Doubles your profits:

    You can gain maximum profits by ensuring clients’ satisfaction through the implementation of Occupational Health & Safety. Effective and efficient health and safety management help in reducing incidences that result in liability costs. It is essential to understand these two types of risks and the methodologies to address occupational health & safety in your organization. Both types of risks require a proactive approach, rather than reactive ones.

  • Minimizes organization risks:

    Implementing ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System helps to control the risks of incidents that occur in your educational organization. ISO 21001 Certification is proof that you are complying with health and safety measures in your organization.It is essential to understand these two types of risks and the methodologies to address occupational health & safety in your organization. Both types of risks require a proactive approach, rather than reactive ones.

  • Encourages Health and Safety Awareness

    The ISO 45001 certification helps in creating awareness among your workforce regarding the threats associated with their occupational health and safety. This ISO standard ensures their commitment to effective OHSMS.

  • Increases Competitiveness:

    You can impress your learners, and stakeholders with your dynamic approach to educational management systems and organizational responsibilities.

  • Setup controls to ensure legal compliance:

    With ISO 45001 Certification, you can place appropriate controls in your organizational processes to make them compliant with the legal requirements of the standard.

The Requirements of ISO 45001 Certification:

The High-level Structure of ISO 45001 revolves around the principle of Plan-Do-Check-Act. The Annex- SL consists of 10 sections, out of which the first three are introductory in nature while the rest seven are auditable and give the requirements for the implementation of ISO 45001 for OHSMS.

Let’s understand the last seven sections for ISO 45001 standard in detail:

  • SECTION 4: Context of the organization

    This section deals with the scope of OHSMS in your business organization and understanding the needs of the interested parties. It deals with understanding the requirements of your organization such as review of documents, reports, etc. for implementing the occupational health & safety management system.

  • SECTION 5: Leadership

    This section highlights the role of top management in the implementation of OHSMS. It requires the top management to effectively communicate the roles and responsibilities to the entire workforce for implementing an OHSMS in the organization. It is designed for the worker’s benefit and helps in assigning roles and responsibilities for better implementation.

  • SECTION 6: Planning

    This includes planning the objectives for your current management system and analyses the risks involved, in order to eliminate those risks. It also involves analyzing the organizational processes for a healthy and safe management system.

  • SECTION 7: Support

    This section includes all the resources, such as human resources, infrastructure, and others that are required for an effective occupational health and safety management system. This section demonstrates the requirements as per the standard around competence, awareness, maintenance, and controlling documented data.

  • SECTION 8: Operation

    This section deals with operational requirements for the proper health and safety management system. It involves determining the requirements for educational products and services as well as establishing control processes for the implementation of the Occupational Health & Safety Management System.

  • SECTION 9: Performance evaluation

    This section involves monitoring and measurement of the progress of OHSMS in terms of worker satisfaction. The organization is needed to analyze and evaluate the information and conduct an internal audit as well as a management review.

  • SECTION 10: Improvement

    This section ensures that your occupational health & safety management system is effective. It deals with the methods by which you can ensure the effective and efficient functioning of your management system.

How does MSCi help your organization to achieve ISO 45001 Certification?

MSCi (Management System Compliance Incorporation) is one of the leading consultation bodies that help your organization to achieve ISO 45001 certification for occupational health and safety management system by using all the right processes. MSCi provides detailed information about the procedure for wining ISO 45001 for the occupational health & safety management system. It provides guidance to your business organization for getting ISO 45001 certified management system without any hassle.

MSCi helps the applicant to be well aware of the importance of ISO 45001 in their organization. It helps them to remain competitive in several business spheres, including all the efficient and effective processes for improvement in the operations. MSCi aims at delivering effective, practical, and result-oriented solutions for your occupational health and safety management system.

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